I’ll Take Credit πŸ’™

I’ll take credit for being curious. I’ll take credit for seeing things that have been in plain sight, yet no one has seen. I’ll take the lashes for posting ever so quietly, yet angering so many.

Truth is ominous to so many it seems, yet the acts of fleecing a nation of innocent people are just an everyday way to prosper for the privileged.

I’ll take credit, however that looks. I’ll even take credit when the consequence of evidencing truth means that I bleed and accrue wounds. Because living in a country where the innocent are no more than an afterthought and dishonesty is carried out by keystrokes, I would rather unearth truth as, and when I find it.

I’ll take credit and I’ll not apologize, because seeking explanations for the vast chasm between poverty and privilege is utterly obvious. Victimization and the profit from such is all too commonplace. I will work and search and uncover until such time that others notice. My ‘others’ will notice.

There is fascination when I uncover a deep truth, because of the amount of raw rage that is exhumed with it. This rage became my barometer and enabled Me to be blind and yet know I had found true gold, in the form of iniquities discovered and innocence lost. True gold in that the ceasing of these disgusting operations would occur.

World peace is all of our responsibility. When we turn our backs on the underserved, we are participating with those who have committed these atrocities. When we *choose* not to notice an iniquity or even the gross violation of a child, we are participating.

One must not hide behind the idea that a single person can have no influence and the ‘I wishes’ that follow. One must decide to live by and love truth and seek truth in every situation no matter how ‘unpleasant’ it may be. One must learn to be uncomfortable at times with what they discover. Humans learn through discomfort as part and parcel of the human condition.

Have the courage to traverse to the other side of discomfort and begin or continue a dialogue with someone else about what has been seen. Stay in the dialogue, through any possible conflict, whether with oneself or another. One must have the courage to learn about oneself from these experiences, knowing that the deepest and most resonant lessons are learned through contrast.

World peace is each individual’s responsibility. How we interact with strangers – whether with a smile or grimace – impacts world peace. It is our duty, in the realm of humankind, to awaken and notice how the underserved live, how others are living and how they are feeling. It is our duty to have an educated opinion when we see innocence taken from a child or an adult and to do something.

Innocence is found in adults as readily as it is found in children. When one makes another feel small, either with an insult or dismissal, shame is infused. That shame is innocence lost and adults suffer this loss as often as do children. We must never take the innocence of another, thus it is important to love and value one another and respect with acknowledgment that we all hold wounds. It is when we hold each other as tightly as we hold our wounds, that healing springs forth for a planet called Earth.

I’ll take credit for loving a planet and its inhabitants called humans. I’ll take credit for doing my best to make things a little bit better than before. I’ll take credit for finding and speaking truth; and even with the wounds I hold I will always know — if I had it to do all over again — I would do it the same way, exactly.

And F I N A L L Y. I’ll take credit for being Bleue.